
Meet the Master: An Interview with the Head Chef of Yuzu Omakase

At Yuzu Omakase in Bangkok’s Siam Square, the head chef is the driving force behind every meticulously crafted dish, bringing years of experience, passion, and innovation to the table. In this exclusive interview, we delve into the chef's culinary inspirations, the creative process, and what makes the dining experience at Yuzu Omakase so unique.

Our Creations 2024 Sep 10

Inspirations and Philosophy: Crafting the Yuzu Omakase Experience


Q: Where do you draw your inspiration from when creating dishes for Yuzu Omakase?


My inspiration comes from many sources—nature, the changing seasons, my travels, and of course, my roots in Japan. The ingredients themselves are often my greatest source of inspiration. When I see a beautifully marbled piece of tuna or a perfectly ripe yuzu fruit, ideas for new dishes start to form in my mind. I’m also inspired by the balance and harmony found in Japanese aesthetics and culture. Each dish is an opportunity to express these principles on the plate.


At Yuzu Omakase, we honor traditional Japanese techniques, but we’re not afraid to innovate and incorporate modern elements. The foundation of our cuisine is deeply rooted in tradition—whether it’s the precise knife work, the preparation of sushi rice, or the art of grilling. However, we also experiment with contemporary flavors and presentation styles to keep the dining experience fresh and exciting. For example, we might introduce an unexpected ingredient or present a dish in a way that challenges conventional norms, all while maintaining the essence of Japanese cuisine.

Behind the Scenes: The Creative Process at Yuzu Omakase


Q: Can you walk us through your creative process when designing a new omakase menu?


The process starts with the ingredients. I visit markets and speak with suppliers to find the freshest, highest-quality ingredients available. Once I have a selection of ingredients, I begin to think about how they can be combined to create a harmonious and balanced menu. Seasonality plays a huge role in this—what’s available and at its peak changes throughout the year, and the menu reflects these shifts. Each dish is designed to complement the others, creating a progression of flavors and textures that guide the guest through the meal.

Once the dishes are conceptualized, we go through a testing phase in the kitchen where we refine the flavors, presentation, and timing. It’s a collaborative effort with the entire kitchen team, as we want every detail to be perfect before it’s served to our guests.

Q: What dish on the Yuzu Omakase menu are you particularly proud of, and why?


One dish that I’m particularly proud of is our Uni Abuta Toast Truffle. It’s a dish that beautifully marries tradition with innovation. The creamy texture of the uni, the earthy depth of the truffle, and the crispy toast create a combination of flavors and textures that is both luxurious and comforting. It’s a dish that represents the philosophy of Yuzu Omakase—deep respect for traditional Japanese ingredients, presented in a way that’s modern and exciting.

What Sets Yuzu Omakase Apart


Q: In your opinion, what distinguishes Yuzu Omakase from other omakase restaurants in Bangkok?


Yuzu Omakase is distinguished by our unwavering commitment to quality, creativity, and the personalized experience we offer our guests. Every dish is crafted with the utmost care and attention to detail, from the selection of ingredients to the final presentation. Our focus on sustainability also sets us apart—we are dedicated to sourcing our seafood and other ingredients responsibly, ensuring that our dining experience is not only exceptional but also ethical.

Another unique aspect of Yuzu Omakase is the intimate connection between the chef and the guest. The omakase experience here is very personal; I take the time to understand each guest’s preferences and tailor the meal accordingly. This direct interaction allows us to create a dining experience that feels special and unique to each guest.

Q: How do you see the future of Japanese cuisine evolving, and how does Yuzu Omakase fit into that future?


Japanese cuisine is continuously evolving, and I believe the future lies in a balance between tradition and innovation. As chefs, we must respect the foundations of our culinary heritage while also exploring new techniques, ingredients, and ideas that push the boundaries of what Japanese cuisine can be. At Yuzu Omakase, we are committed to being at the forefront of this evolution. We will continue to innovate and adapt while staying true to the core principles of Japanese cuisine—purity, simplicity, and respect for the ingredients.

Personal Reflections and Advice

Q: What advice would you give to aspiring chefs who want to specialize in Japanese cuisine?


My advice to aspiring chefs is to start by mastering the fundamentals. Japanese cuisine is built on precision, discipline, and respect for the ingredients. It’s important to take the time to learn these basics and understand the philosophy behind them. Once you have a strong foundation, allow yourself to be creative and explore new ideas. Never stop learning, and always be curious about the world around you. The journey to becoming a chef is a lifelong one, and there’s always more to discover.

Q: What do you enjoy most about being the head chef at Yuzu Omakase?


What I enjoy most is the opportunity to create and share something meaningful with our guests. Seeing the joy on someone’s face when they take that first bite of a dish we’ve worked so hard to perfect is incredibly rewarding. I also love the collaborative nature of our kitchen—the team at Yuzu Omakase is like a family, and working together to create something special is a privilege. Every day presents new challenges and opportunities, and that keeps the work exciting and fulfilling.

Conclusion: A Culinary Master at the Helm


The head chef of Yuzu Omakase brings a wealth of experience, passion, and creativity to the table, making every dining experience at the restaurant truly exceptional. With a deep respect for traditional Japanese techniques and an innovative approach to modern cuisine, Yuzu Omakase stands out as a leader in Bangkok’s culinary scene. Whether you’re a seasoned sushi aficionado or new to the world of omakase, dining at Yuzu Omakase offers a unique opportunity to experience the artistry and dedication of a true culinary master. Plan your visit today and discover the magic that happens when tradition meets innovation.





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